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MarkTidy - Features

Free Features

1 Find Stale Bookmarks

This feature allows you to identify and remove bookmarks that haven't been used for a specific period.

Users can select their preferred time frame in months (1-120).

If the entered value exceeds this range, the system will apply the default value of 12 months.

What does "Unused for over N months" mean?

This shows bookmarks that haven't been accessed for N months since their last use.

What does "Unused since creation for over N months" mean?

This identifies bookmarks that were added but never clicked on. It displays bookmarks that have remained unused for N months since their creation date.

If you see many bookmarks listed, it indicates you have accumulated numerous unused bookmarks. 🙂

Why are some bookmarks light gray?

Bookmarks with unclear creation or last-used information appear in light gray. These bookmarks are always shown regardless of the selected date.

When you click these bookmarks from your bookmark bar, the system will record the last used date, and they will no longer appear in light gray.

2 Find Duplicate Bookmarks

You can search for bookmarks registered with completely identical links. If you check the option, you can search for bookmarks registered with links that have the same domain.

For example, if you have bookmarks registered with the following three links:

  • https://www.test.com/detail/1
  • https://www.test.com/detail/2
  • https://www.test.com/payment

A group will be created based on https://www.test.com, and clicking on this group will display all three bookmarks.

3 Find Dead Bookmarks

This feature checks if the links in your bookmarks are valid. To ensure a more accurate determination, you can configure the number of test attempts and the waiting time per test.

However, due to various variables, you should always verify if a page is actually invalid by using the provided button.

4 Remove Empty Folders

When activated, this button will find and remove any empty folders left after bookmarks are deleted.

Remove empty folders feature
Premium Features

If you check this feature, it will automatically identify and manage target bookmarks once a day.

Here, the specific meaning of 'once a day' is as follows:

1. It checks if all open Chrome browsers have been completely closed and restarted (not just tabs).

2. It checks if a day has passed based on the most recent execution date.

It will run if both of the above conditions are met.

The purpose of the automatic management feature is to minimize user effort as much as possible. Therefore, it manages bookmarks with more granular control than manual functions.

1 Auto-Manage Stale Bookmarks

1. First, it checks if the bookmark is older than the set period based on its most recent usage date.

2. If there is no recent usage date, it then checks again based on the creation date.

3. Bookmarks with ambiguous creation dates and recent usage dates are not considered for removal.

  • Days can be set up to a maximum of 3650 days; if exceeded, it will be set to 365 days.
  • Months can be set up to a maximum of 120 months; if exceeded, it will be set to 12 months.
  • Years can be set up to a maximum of 10 years; if exceeded, it will be set to 1 year.

2 Auto-Manage Duplicate Bookmarks

1. Among duplicate bookmarks, bookmarks that have been recently used are excluded.

2. If there is no recent usage date, then bookmarks that have been recently added are excluded.

3. Bookmarks with ambiguous creation dates and recent usage dates are not considered for removal.

In other words, among duplicate bookmarks, the most recently used bookmark will remain, and older, less recently used bookmarks will be detected as removal targets.

3 Auto-Manage Dead Bookmarks

This function is exactly the same as the manual one. You can configure the number of test attempts and time.

4 Auto-Manage Empty Folders

Activating this feature will automatically find and remove empty folders without any alerts or requiring your confirmation.

5 Auto-Delete (not checking)

Auto-delete feature

Automatic deletion, by default, requires user confirmation before you can decide to cancel or proceed with deletion.

If you activate this feature, it will detect bookmarks marked for removal and delete them immediately at the same time as the notification appears.

Enable this option if you do not need to verify which bookmarks are being deleted.

Please use with caution as bookmarks cannot be recovered if you have not backed them up separately.